
2/1/2023 English




separate serial series
serious tolerance accuracy
cherish choice voice
bonus verbal noun
verdict verify verse
in addition adequate administration
admission adapt adopt
adult toss treaty


vice vicious victim
clicked cling closet
personnel formal format
formation former formidable
formulate formulation formulize
fortunate fortune guideline
guild guile recognition
guilt guilty recruit
senior soak dry
soar sociable social
society socialism sociology
soluble solution solve
detach detain sound
shade shadow aesthetic
affair affect affection
affiliate affirm afford
breach branch brevity
breed bread feed
advisable advocate


coincide coincident collapse
colleague college collect
collection collective combat
combine collide comment
recommend command detect
commerce commercial commodity
commission mission committee
communicate communication communism
community socialism deteriorate
device devise ponder
ensure entail plausible
indeed mere merely
plea plead please
policy political politician
polite impolite


brisk 形容糊糊的 brief browse
aggravate aggregate 合计 aggressive
aim alarm alien
alienate outside outward
alternate alternative alter
comparable comparative comparison
compel compensate compile
compete competition competent
complain complaint complement
complete complex complicate
complicated comply obey
refuse compliment diffuse
emphasis employ endorse
employee employer employment
emphasize indication indicative
endeavour indicate outrage
outset begin
special specialist specialize
specialty species specific
specification specify speculate


acclaim accommodate accommodation
accompany accomplish account
bias bid bill
charm chase demand
democracy demographic demonstrate
democratic billion donation
denote donate denial
deny emerge emergency
emergence emergent likewise
deposit eminent federal
federation fertile govern
government governor likelihood
gradual graduate grant
hesitate health heal
healthy giant
immediate immense immerse
immigrant imminent immune


beam deprive designate
derive petition phenomenon
desirable desire 渴望 flaw
flexible fling flourish
hinder hint hitherto
origin original originate
pierce philosophy philosopher
phrase physical physician
phase corporate corporation
serve servant topic
set serveral shelter
setback setting settle
settlement sophisticated sovereign
toll tone sow
impart impact implement
implication implicit imply
import importance important
impose improve impulse
impress impression impressive


choke chop circumstance
cite claim border
bore born acquire
despite bother acquisition
act actual acute
action activate activity
despise 蔑视,鄙视 force enforce
engage fore foresee
engagement forecast forge
grim grasp gross
guarantee guard include
incorporate increase increasingly inclusive
incredible incur slack
literally literary literture
mental mention mentor
otherwise sign signature signal signify
matter significance significant
simple simplicity simplify
memo memory simply



mediate cater medium
elaborate elegant element
sketch skeleton elementary
eliminate abolish absorb
abroad bare barely
bargain skeptical cast 扔,投
capable captive capture
capacity capital cease
casual asualty caution
celebrity celebrate ceremony
cautious certify certificate
decrease decline certain
deduce deduct certainty
favorable favor favorite
situate situation dedicate
meditation meditate
medi 中间
medium medial mediocre
medieval mediate immediate
intermediate intermedium


radiate radiant radical
objection justfy lag
obligation oblige obscure
obsession obsolete ideal
ideology identical identification
panorama identify identity
journal journalist journey
judge judgement judicial
jury jurisdiction justice
magnitude magnify magnificent
lateral latter law lawsuit
maintain maintenance 维持 qualification
qualify quality qualitative
theory therapy provide
theoretical provided savage
scenery major prove
scene majority improve


abandon abide basis
campaign andidate dazzle
gamble economic handicap
economical economics economy
decision decide decisive
effort fabric fabricate
failure fail fall
fancy general habit
fascinate generalize habitat
show shower shield gene
hamper efficiency efficient
effect effective


tow talent temper
towards talented temperature
technical technician tentative 尝试
technique technology ultimate 最终的,最重要的
taste tasty 品味 tasteful
tempt tend temporal
temptation 诱惑 tendency temporary 世俗的
terminal trace unify 使统一
terminate track 追踪,路径 union 联合,工会
universal 普遍的 weigh zone 区域
universe 宇宙 weight zoom
vague unusual vain 徒劳
vanish 突然消失 estimate 估计 weary 使厌烦,疲倦的
variable variance variation
variety various vary
knit 编制,使紧密结合 weld 焊接 whirl 旋转
welfare yield
underestimate 低估 undergo 执行中 underlie 基础
underlying 底层,潜在的 underline understand
undertake understanding


glamour 迷人的美,魅力 harsh 苛刻的 genre 风格,体裁,类型
generate generation generator
generous genius illusion 幻想
occupy occupation occurrence
giant illustrate harm
gigantic 巨物,巨大的 illustration 说明,阐述 harmony
ignorance ignorant ignore
imagine image imaginary
imaginative leisure legitimate 合法的
legal imitate scheme
legislation 立法 imitation 效仿 schedule
levy 征收 level 平衡 lever 杠杆
manipulate 恶意操纵 mandate 授权,任期 manfest 显示,显然的
massive 大量的 mass massacre 大西王
offend 冒犯,侵犯 passion quote
offender 阿伟罗 passive cite
parallel 平行的 offset 修正,偏差 offspring 生产,出生
paralyze 使瘫痪 quest questionnaire
scientific scientist science
part partial participant
participate particle particular
partly partner


embrace embed 使插入 embody 使具体化
brace 拥抱,接受 update upgrade
embryo 胚胎 elicit 引诱,探出 thorough 彻底的,完全的
elite 精英 threaten threat
though thought thoughtful
venture 冒险 uphold 举手,赞同 ventilate 使通风,公开讨论
inaugurate 开创,为某人举行典礼 wit 才智 withdraw 撤回,取消
accessory 附属品 incentive 刺激,奖励,动机 challenge 挑战
incidence incident incidentally
incline academic academy accelerate
characterize characteristic character
defend delay defy 违背,抵抗
define 限定,定义 definite definition
deliver 运输 finance global 球体
delivery financial globe
fierce 凶猛的 deliberate 谨慎的,仔细考虑的 delicate 易碎的,娇嫩的
finite infinite 有限的 firm 坚固的,肯定的
begin behalf behave
beginning believe behavior
beneficial belief belong


patch 补丁,修补 patent 专利,专利的,申请专利 pattern 模式
perceive 察觉 rail partter 搭档
perception 感知 railway 铁道 perfect 使完美
peculiar 独有的 peer 凝视,同辈 per 每一
secure master 大师 thrift
security masterpiece 杰作 thrifty 节俭
rally 集会,团结,拉力赛 random mature 使成熟
material mathematical scope 作用域
through opponent see
throughout opposite seek
seem urge utilize
seemingly urgent use
operat operation opera
operational operator worthwhile
mean meaning means
meantime meanwhile measure
utter opportunity oppress
important scorn 蔑视 worship 崇拜
worth worthy thrive 兴旺发达
thrill 惊悚的



console 安慰 frustrate 挫折 constant
consist associate monotonous
consistent 组成 association 联想 various
constituent constitute constitution 构成
fruitful 硕果累累的 constrain 约束 construct 构建
distinct distinction distinguish 不同
fund evidence strike 打击
fundamental 基本的 evident striking 挫折
amend 修正 ample 充足的 amuse 使发笑
monopoly 垄断 fulfill 履行 transmission
transmit transplant transport
store string liberal
storage structure liberate 自由
stock 本金,资本 stride 大步向前 stun 打晕,使震惊
primary prime primitive 主要的
innocent 清白的,天真的 principal 最重要的 principel 原则
liability entertain psychology 心理学
liable 义务 entertainment psychiatry 精神病学
evil enterprise 企业,野心 licence 证件,放肆


apart 分离地 startle 恐吓,惊吓 starve 饿死
stand standard standpoint
state 状态,州 statement 陈述 statesman 政治家
statistics 统计数据,统计学 statue 雕像 status 地位,身份,状况
statute 法令法规,条例章程 steer 带领,掌舵 stem 茎,干,起源于,阻止
stern 严肃的严厉的,尾部 anonymous 匿名的 anticipate 预期预料,先发制人
anxiety 焦虑 assassinate 暗杀 comprehend 有理解的
anxious 焦虑的 assassin 暗杀者 comprehension 理解力
assemble 召集 bubble 气泡 conduct
assembly 集会 huddle 蜷缩 conductor 半导体
assault 攻击,袭击 portion 一部分 assert 断言
component 组成的,组成部分 compose 组成 composition 作品
hoist condemn 谴责,宣告有罪 condense 使压缩,使凝结
hold holder household
narrative 叙述的,叙述 narrow 狭隘的 nasty 龌龊的
possibility possible potential 有潜力的
nation national nationality
native natural nature

from stem to stern 从船的头部到尾部

disappear disable 使瘫痪 disappoint 使失望
discipline 学科 disclose 揭露 discover discovery
overall 全面的 overcome overlap 重叠


stimulate 刺激,使兴奋 stir 搅动,激起 stipulate 规定,明确要求
infer influence inform
inference 推断,影响 influential information
inferior 下等的,次的 exaggerate 夸大 congress 代表大会
evolution appropriate approval
evolve 进化 inappropriate 合适的 approve 批准,赞同
approach conscious 清醒的 confront 面临
apt 恰当的 conform 一致,相似 continue
confuse connect continual 连续
confusion 困惑 connection 连接 continuous
dismiss 解雇 disorder 混乱 disperse 分散
displace 代替 display 展览 distribute 分发
distort 扭曲 distract 使分心


confine confirm conflict
virtual 实际上 configuration trail 痕迹,小道
confidence confident confidential
train 火车,训练 training 训练 practitioner
view violent apparent 显然的,表面上的
viewpoint violence appeal 吸引,呼吁
virtue 美德,优点 negative stress
apponint trait 特征,特性 discriminate
appointment traitor 叛徒 discrimination
applicable appliance application
inevitable appreciate establish
mix essence miserable 困惑的
mixture 混合 essential misery
disease disgrace escape
especially ethic ethnic
estimate industry evaluate
industrial industrialize stretch 舒展
mislead 误导 negotiate poverty
necessary necessitate necessity
practical practise practice
outer outlet outline
outlook output
preach precede precaution
precedent preceding precious
preise precision


holy ingenious ingredient
honor horizon neglect
honorable horizontal negligible
initiate initiative initial
local locality locate
location architect architecture 建筑
presence present presently
prescribe press preserve
prescription pressure straight
preside prestige straightforward
presumably presume prevent
previous prey reliable
religion strength reliance
religious strengthen rely
strategy exclude exclusive 除外
strain archive 档案 achieve 到达,实现
area argue arise
arena argument arouse
array strenuous vital
visible vision visual
consume consequence conservation
consumption consequently conservative
consider considerable considerate
dissolve 溶解 vivid dispute 争吵
transaction transfer transform
transient translation


spoil 破坏,宠溺 spy 间谍,监视 spur 刺激,马刺
stable refer militant 好战的
stability 稳定 reference 涉及 military 军队
subject subjective 主观 objective 客观
sponsor 赞助者,支持 redeem 补救,挽回 epoch 时代
indignant indispenable 必不可少的 individual 个体的
indignantion 愤怒 episode 片段 conference 会议
indifferent 不偏的 confess 坦白 confer 商谈
epidemic 流行性的 conclude 下结论 concept
concurrent 并发的 conclusion 总结 conception 概念
concise 简明的 concern 关心,挂念 concrete 具体的
concentrate 集中,专心 conceive 构想,设想 compromise 妥协,折中
comprise 包含,包括 compress 压缩 ambiguous 含糊不清的
bubble ambition dim 暗淡的
sort ambitious 野心的 diminish 消弱
budget 预算 possess pose 姿势
amateur 业余的 possession 拥有 position 位置
dilute 稀释,冲淡



remove remember 回忆 diverse 多种多样的
removal 移除 remind 提醒 diversion 转移,娱乐
remedy 治疗 render 使得,给予,回报 execute
divert 转移注意力 exhaust 耗尽 executive 执行
divide division 划分 divident 利息
exemplify anchor 锚,扎根固定 moral
exemple 举例 exert 用尽,运用 morality 道德
exist privacy prior
existence private 私人 exotic 迷人的
moreover 而且 mostly 基本全部 priority 优先级
annual 一年一度的 privilege 特权 prudent 谨慎的
ramain ramainer remains 残留
anguish 悲痛 annoy 使生气
contempt content contrary 相反的
contest context contract
contemporary 时代的 contrast contradict 反驳
submit subordinate 下级的 subscribe
subsequent 随后的 substance 实体 substantial 实质的
substitute 代替 subtle 微妙的


assess assimilate assume
assumption contribute controversial
controversy control convene
convention converge convey
domain domestic dominant
doom probe procedure
proceed proceeding proclaim
productive productivity profession
expand experience expertise
instinct institute institution
insurance integral integrate
rescue research resent
refresh refute region
regular regulate regulation
replace reply report
reporter reputation request
require requirement


curious curiosity currency
cumulative average award
aware awkward extravagant
extreme invisible invoke
involve overturn overwhelm
purchase pursue pursuit
puzzle reverse revise
revive rival route
routine surname susceptible
suspend suspect suspicion
suspicious sustain swarm
swear swell
surname surpass surplus
surprise survey surveillance
survival survive


twist trivial tumble
turbulent turnover typical
voluntary volunteer vote
vulgar vulnerable author
authority auxiliary avail
available critic critical
criticism criticize crucial
culprit cutivate cuture
dubious due durable
duration dynamic extinct
extinguish invest investigate
mutual mysterious myth
noble normalization notion
publication publicity resultant
resume reveal revenge
revenue suply suppose
suppress supplement systematic


profitable profound progressive
prohibit prolong prominent
promising prompt proof
trigger triumph assure
assurance astonish atmosphere
aouncil counsel dramatic
exploit explore intellectual
intelligence intelligent intelligible
reservation resist resistance
resistant resilient resort
resource respective respond
succeed success successful
succession successive successor
suck sue suffer
suffice sufficient suggest
suggestion suicide suit
super- 超级
super superb superficial
superfluous superior superiority


polish restore restrain
restraint restrict court
courtesy crisis drug
export expose exposure
expression extend extension
extensive extent humanity
humble intend intense
intensity intensive intercourse
interior interpret loss
lucrative nerve nervous
at- 为了
attach attack attain
attempt attend attitude
pro- 提前
proximate propel proper
property proportion proposal
propose proposition prospect
prospective protocol

Cet 6


faculty 能力 novel 新奇的,新颖的 initiative 主动性
presume 假设 marine 海洋的 exposure 接触
pursue 追求 predator 捕食者 bolster 支持
reputation 声誉 varieties 生物多样性 souvenir 纪念品
demanding 要求 species 物种,种类 staff 员工
justify 证明合理 imitate 效仿 refute 反驳
demonstrate 证明 refer 引用 pose 带来
reluctant 不情愿的 focused 集中注意力的 cap 用...覆盖顶部(盖棺定论,划上句号)
accelerate 使...加速 apparently 明显地 plunge 暴跌
obscurely 不清楚地,晦涩地 seale 密封 trigger 激发
reorganization 重组
remain doubtful 保持怀疑 learning outcome 学习成功 significant gains 显著收获
fall drastically 急剧下滑 standardized metrics 标准化的指标 despite 尽管...但是
spring up 出现、涌现 potential threat 潜在威胁 be attributable to 由于,原因是
be attributed to 被...导致 be referred to as 被作为...而提及 be instructed to do sth 被告知去做某事
be backed by 被...支持;以...为支撑 opt in 选择参加 split off 使分裂,拆分
as well as 和


American universities, despite their global reputation for excellence in teaching, have only begun to demonstrate what they can produce in real-world learning.

美国大学,尽管在学术教学上在全球(享有)良好声誉,但是这仅仅开始证明他们 已经 在现实生活学习中 能够产出什么

Macy's reported its sales plunged 5.2% in November and December at stores open more than a year, a disappointing holiday season performance that capped a difficult year for a department store chain facing wide-ranging challenges.

梅西(百货)报告 它 在开张一年以上的店铺 在九月和十二月之间 的销售额暴跌5.2%,这是一个令人失望的季度表现,为面临广泛挑战的连锁商店的艰难一年盖棺定论

Common research has long held that talking themselves through a task helps children learn, although doing so when you've apparently matured is not a great sign of brilliance


Morgan's comments on outsourcing mark the second time this month that he has come out against one of Haslam's plans for higher education in Tennessee. Morgan said last week that he would retire at the end of January because of the governor's proposal to split off six universities of the Board of Regents system and create separate governing boards for each of them. In his resignation letter, Morgan called the reorganization "unworkable".

摩根在外包问题上的评论标志着这个月的第二次,他反对哈斯拉姆的一项田纳西州高等教育方案。摩根上周说他将在一月底退休因为政府拆分"Board of Regents system"中的六所大学并为他们单独设立监管组织的提议。在他的辞职信中,摩根称重组不可行

Most Grand Tourists, however, stayed for briefer periods and set out with less scholarly intentions, accompanied by a teacher or guardian, and expected to return home with souvenirs of their travels as well as an understanding of art and architecture formed by exposure to great masterpieces.


halt 停止 unchecked 不被抑制的,失控的 handful 一把
originated 起源 import outport 进出口 flavour 口味
virtually 几乎 notorious 臭名昭著 deserted 萧条的,冷清的
desire 渴望 characterize 刻画,描述,特征化 territory 领地
exclusive 专用的,特殊的 stock 股票,总量,存货 secure 安全的,安全
invest 投资 feasible 可行的 spark 推动
eliminate 消除 noticeable 显著的 futile 无用的,徒劳的
remains 遗体,尸体 dedication 奉献 contempt 蔑视
recognise as essantial 认为重要至极 ever-growing/going 不断增长/前行的 power through 通电


The insect, also known as the tomato leaf miner, devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks. It reproduces incredibly quickly, breeding up to 12 generations per year if conditions are favorable.

这种虫子,也闻名于番茄叶虫,通过进食水果和钻入并且在植物的茎中移动来破坏庄稼。他们繁殖的极快,如果条件适宜能在一年中繁育 12 代

breed 繁殖 insect 昆虫 reproduce 繁殖 stalk 秸秆,茎 devastate 摧毁

The big benefit will not only be in the housing of this enormous and rapidly growing amount of data, but will also be in the ability to run real time data analytics to extract actionable and ongoing knowledge


rapidly 快速地 not only, but also 不仅而且 extract 提取 ongoing 持续性的

The biggest and most exciting challenge of this technology is how to creatively leverage this ever-growing amount of data to deliver cost savings, improvements and tangible benefits to both businesses and citizens of these smart cities


leverage 利用 deliver 减少 tangible 有形的,实在的

It is the season for some frantic last-minute math across the country, employees of all stripe are counting backward in an attempt to figure out just how much paid time-off they have left it their reserves. More of them, though, will skip those calculations altogether and just power through the holidays into 2017: More than half of American workers don’t use up all of their allotted vacation days each year

frantic 疯狂的 all stripe 各行各业 reserves 储量 power through 通电,意指继续奋斗 allotted 分配的


precision establish established hypothesis
fascinate chronicles 编年史,记录 remnants 残留物
campaign 活动 proclamation 公告,声明 obsessed 着迷的
supposed 假设的 fierce 凶猛的,狂热的 latter 后者
inspired 激动人心的 rectified 校正 versatile 多才多艺的
irrational 不理智的 unsustainable 不可持续的 impractical 不现实的,不切实际的
fund 资助 obscure 模糊的,费解的 radiant 发光的
comprehensive 全面的 susceptible 敏感的 obligation 义,务
obsolete 过时的,淘汰 hypothetical 假设的 amass 积累
varieties of sth 多种多样的某物 fierce social advocate 狂热的社会运动者 facial recognition 人脸识别
get sth done 完成某事 enable sb to do sth 准许某人做某事 take upon the role of sth 带入某种角色


The pyramid’s exact size has puzzled experts for centuries, as the "more than 21 acres of hard, white casing stones" that originally covered it were removed long ago.

as 接原因状语从句,从句主语是 the...stones 后接定语从句 that orginally covered it 修饰 stones,从句宾语这时出现,为被动语态 were removed,最后接一个时间状语 long age 很久以前

数百年来,这座金字塔的实际尺寸一直困扰着学者们,因为“超过 21 英亩的坚硬白色围石”原本覆盖在这座金字塔上,但很久以前就被移走了

Thinking about what you would want to photograph also gets you more engaged.

Even the very thought of taking a photo can have a positive effect.

二者表达的意义相似 engaged 投入的


This is still dispute, but it's clear that the woman reputed for writing it was one of America's most fascinating characters

dispute存在争议的 reputed 据说的 reputed for writing it 做后置定语修饰 woman

Mr.Musk is a guy who gets things done


This sounds like so much hot air, but the near $13 billion fortune this entrepreneur has amassed comes from practical achievement rather than hypothetical ones

entrepreneur 企业 amass 积累 practical achievement 实业 hypothetical 假设的

"By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision maker, one does not suffer the consequences of decision Mtigue," he says. "It is as if there is something fun and liberating about making someone else's choice"

take upon the role of sth consequences 结果 liberating 解放的,自由的

Last Updated: 7/16/2024, 4:06:40 AM